Graze (Greys)


Life is a grey area

A multitude of monochromes

What is right?

And what is wrong?

Situations get tangled and tight

and taunt me inside

Until I amĀ  frayed and frail

Taut rope breaking apart isolated over a black background

I have an e-mail to write for work

The facts seem clear

He followed me

Opened doors

Stood looking down to frighten me


At one stage I would have taken any exit

A better way to die (dye?)

I remember the shade of the shutters

And his figure at the door

Everything so clear and straight-edged bright

Fear will do that to you


I am fighting the details I need to make a complaint

This sudden escalation

From lost shifts to secret, stern words to corners

I could not escape

I fear that


In other ways I see wrong and right as more a part of the same piece

The warnings I’ve contemplated

A blatant example

The need to ask questions I’m not sure I have the right to an answer for

I have heard one side of one piece

An inch of such complexity

They do not concern me directly

They do hurt my friends though

Their answers may though decide the measure of a man

Truth is important

I think I see it already in his guilt

It’s when you want to whisper

I see the brightness in you

Use your powers for good


Spirograph: Circles and Tangents



In retrospect so much has happened in the last year

I’ve long since shed the shell I wore then

I am bigger

Bolder. But I still flinch as invisible fingers point their shame

I still fear

But my joys and sorrows have changed their paths

The colours blur and we are one and the same

Though different


I washed my hands today and saw my reflection. I made myself look

I saw myself looking back. No monster

A year ago I would have run away

I remember that girl. Her body has broadened

There is a substance to her that is not self-hate, pain or fear

She is no longer identified for her bones. With herself or others

She lets others love and tries to return the favour as best she can

Sometimes it still feels like it is not enough


However as the fear of food and life has lessened

Other demons have grown

What is this fear of touch by men that takes my breath from me?



But again I become numb

And escape inside myself


Like the spidering web of a Spirograph moving inside and out

The lines of my life which run through one another

Their shapes and complexity

I have become a mother of sorts

I have counted and changed my chickens

Buried them even. It baffles me to think of the strange combinations of persons who came to my rescue

And I let them

The extent to which I have let people see me unmasked




Gasping for air

Yet no one of them chose to slay me

Either I have made good choices or my soul is stronger than my shell

Perhaps both




Charmed Lives: Worlds Collide

Last Friday I went out dancing

Two friends and a few more, more at whim than planned

The plan was to meet one

But slowly the web spread

It never ceases to amaze me the connections in this town

Some people we may cross only once; twice



It’s interesting to see how fragile or solid

The sides of people or ourselves unknown

I was reminded of a children’s fantasy when I saw the look on his face

The worlds a small boy within a book wandered before he found himself


And his lives to be the link between them all

The half-worlds he thought were dreams

Magic and half-truths

The smoke; the click of locks;

Skirts and casual conversations gone deeper;


Perhaps the pieces we all had were different

I know he feels some guilt

Today was a day of wandering

I used my walking route

One of the shop owners I often stop to talk to has closed their business



I often wonder how much of ourselves we can leave behind?

Science tells us that our body relinquishes cells at such a rate that by the end of seven years it will have discarded and replaced every singe piece of who we were

Every molecule.

InĀ  this drug-like half-life what can we hope to hold onto?

So many memories have shifted within me these last few months. Fragments of circus printed summer dresses; dark hallways and frosted doors; and those first feelings of shame and disgust in the difference and weakness I made my strength

Perhaps those walls within I built myself

Cell by cell within my bodily prison

Is it always the older cells that fade?

I remember when I first learned about chemical absorption and the process of our bodies breaking down the substances we consume. I remember too reading an essay by a friend talking about the halving and halving of things into smaller and smaller increments. We do that so naturally with so many things.

Like the neat little piles of Coke on the patterned kitchen plate

The daylight-bright phosphorescent lightbulbs always make life look so surreal

It tasted bitter

And I felt if anything more of a reality

I had less access to my thoughts; my mind

And that is me

Dancing didn’t have the same high

I remember; although it was like being barred from what is internally and inherently so much myself

Life is enough for me. And more so when I can truly feel it

I remember the hours I spent scraping through skin and the slick ooze of epidermal fluid

As I fought to feel

What of the fragility of our tender green new growth?

The vulnerability

Stripped bare by kisses and love

Fearing it cannot last. In more ways than one

Though it’s evolution came so naturally

Of the innocence before acts?

What traces remain?

As each day we gain more and more understanding and fight with every cell

Not to make the same mistakes

Hurt the same hurts. As we always do and always did

To fear pain is rational

While the chemicals clear from my system

The fear is much harder to lose

I’ve taken it so long it is a part of me



Growing from Miniature

I am reading a book of essays

Small Acts of Disappearance

One meditates deeply on the process of miniturisation


How much more power we have over a world we can roll around in the palm of our hand

It reminds me of the story of the young Krishna who showed the universe to his mother through an open-mouthed gape

He revealed the worlds beyond our world while for a time I shank, huddled and to frightened to speak

It’s been strange these past few months realising just how much the world had shrunk around me. How insubstantial I had felt as things slowly fell apart

The year it’s taken me to resurrect my fragments and rebuild

But then I always did like the perfection of tiny things

I always did like to build and write and collect my own stories

Reading through a collected book of poems by Yeats I found

The Coat

And remembered the winter I spent stripped bare

Memorising it. More for it’s permission than for it’s warmth. Physically I outgrew and shank back into that place several more times before reaching this point where I stand now

Realistically there is no surety here either

Perhaps only in the solidness I am slowly gathering

Things are still so very fragile. But perhaps life is too?

I’ve had remarks on how healthy I look today and today I feel it too

Perhaps it’s not strange that to get here I have outgrown so many perceptions

Only to find the coat I so longed to fit was an ideology all along

Not an item capable of holding physical limitations


A Coat
I made my song a coat
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heel to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the worldā€™s eyes
As though theyā€™d wrought it.
Song, let them take it
For thereā€™s more enterprise
In walking naked.






The come down from a crisis is brutal

Everything feels so clear and cold. But with no feeling

When it’s happening is worse because everything is just happening

Falling, falling, falling….


Tonight I’m watching “Donnie Darko”. The scene about the Lifeline and it’s 2D perception of motives as being divided into Love and Fear. The accusations of a lesson missing the whole spectrum on human emotions

Emotions and their motivations and subsequent actions are so much more complicated. The story becomes so much more complicated by daylight. I’ve heard from the police- twice; I’ve spoken to those who were there.

It’s not your fault they said. But I felt so responsible. I led them there

The nightmare of not knowing; outside in the dark

The slight give of the rungs of the metal gate as we climbed. The window as we worked it open. I opened the door. We checked through every room. I couldn’t face what I might find if I did it alone, but still I led him in. Our conscience is clear- he’s right, but the potential for repercussion

She was inside all along; she hid

“If you hurt my friend I will come back to haunt you. Don’t break her heart”

Like I’m some fragile creature, incapable of knowing

Some ethereal fairy


Like the terror of not knowing if you would find them dead in the half-darkness

A pool of vomit and pills

I’d already checked that morning for places capable of holding a rope and noose to find none


What’s “right” is not a law; but it is my moral compass. What’s right to me

And the conflict when that risks anyone else

It’s a curse to appear so fragile

There is so much I carry. I feel guilt that others carried for me the fear I had for them

I wonder at how hours and moments can shatter the perceptions others have of us

I wonder if their view or mine is more accurate?

I wonder if I see them as they see themselves?


Which Way Home? What is Home?

A feeling built inside me this week

The web started a week ago as I finished my training for foster care

I had to write about my life so far. The places I have come from and overcome

Perhaps to an extent what I still struggle with they need to know too

I have written what I know. I want to find ways to make where I have come from useful

In honesty. I think I can. It’s what I don’t know that frightens me

Lots of disjointed images and feelings. Some I know

They are the familiar fragments. I understand that childhood is made up of pieces

Umbrellas and sunshine; bedroom curtains and the pictures I saw in wall-shadows


The fish tank in the old hospital waiting room

The green damask carpet in our old lounge room

Screaming and flailing. Feeling in that moment I could never get away

It’s difficult to remember what you did not have the language to describe

The feeling of wrong-ness

The feeling was me

The frosted glass on the front door

The bathroom in our old house. Sitting in there one day tearing the vinyl on an old stool

There was a strange, numb, “nothing” I remember feeling but not quite understanding.

Everything felt so vivid but disjointed. I would have been about four or five

The dim light on the boxes in my father’s office. The deep chocolate brown face of one of our old cats

The patterns on hospital curtains

Chairs in so many offices and faceless specialists

There was not a place to record these things in my story. They just sit inside the semi-darkness of my memories

I feel numb and empty

But at the same time there is this screaming ache inside

About eight years ago I had a dream

There were two young girls in a bathtub. A man came in.

I saw through his eyes

He did something to the girls in the bathroom

What he did is a blank

I spoke with a friend into the early hours of Sunday morning

The dream came up then

I was a little blonde girl once…

I vaguely remember the changes, but not their reasons

It might not be me…

It might be…

I know I feel so very fearful of the unknowns in my story

The places I do not know

Vulnerable in these maybes and what might have been

I’ll probably never find out from my family

I wonder if this is why for the longest time I could not be touched or held

Or if this was just the person I became through my

“Difference” from others

For a brief time this feels like the undoing of so much I have fought for and won

On Thursday I sit for the first of four interviews with Pathfinders

After that, with my checks completed (all I’s dotted and T’s crossed) I am a foster carer

I feel so unready with this uncertainty. It reminds me of a song by George. I first heard it at sixteen and felt it’s words so deeply though I’d never let anyone that close

I didn’t think I could

I pushed so many people away while I wanted so much to be able to speak

Before the silence choked me and I ended up crumpled in a corner unable to let the words out

In so many ways I’m so far past where it was ever mapped that I could reach

I’m here for a reason, a friend said

And I believe that. It just feels so frightening to be beyond any of my wildest guesses

In the last months

Since Simon left

I have rearranged my life

Stone by stone. Like my garden, slowly but surely it is growing

I long for at least a little certainty though. Somewhere to call home


Tradition vs How Things Should Be


In the pale light of the Dawn Service I thought of my Grandfather’s medals from World War I

As a child I always wondered why I couldn’t march with them like other kids did


I never did know my grandfather. He died years before I was born

It was only later I realised

My parents only came to Australia in the 1960’s- Ten Pound Poms

My grandfather fought as an Englishman

This morning I wondered if this “difference” between countries and belonging wasn’t what brought us into those wars in the first place


It’s been a hard week

Work hours have dragged on

I got my car to the petrol station well past empty

I settled my Superannuation account with the bank, only to be told a debt that does not exist hung over my shoulder

I cried. It felt like everything I’ve worked so hard for these last months


All that I’ve paid off and ahead so patiently was gone

I am starting to put money away towards building or buying my own place

But the debts still come

Then I heard Living on A Prayer on the radio as I shopped in Coles

The worst never does come

I felt exhaustion to the point of nausea

But then I laughed with my friend’s granddaughter, staying up far too late

I helped a friend retrieve her dog from the pound

I felt so deeply how hard it was and is to be alone; I know how much my pets mean to me


It feels good to have that little bit extra in me that I can use to help others

I found a picture in my phone, just over a year old. I look so dead inside, so pale and thin

A brave face you might call it


I wonder at the difference a year has made


I have always hated having my picture taken and know well the “I have been told to smile” look I have on my face. But I also know I look a lot healthier a year later

I still struggle to know how much I have gained. But in reality I don’t really know. I don’t use the scales. Mostly I have gained health and a stillness and happiness I never knew before

I am getting ready

To be myself- truly


I feel such a closeness with people. I can let them in


My parents came to visit yesterday. I felt the tension

So visceral

As they arrived. It didn’t stop there

When we stopped by my house the intrusion was severe

They even walked through my bedroom

I feel so…..


They know about Simon too. A visit from a friend and they “overheard”

Their anger was palpable. Their disappointment

But then they said his contribution was never equal

I told them it never mattered when he was the person I first met. But now he is not

They want me to tell them everything. Let them know everything

But that is not my way. I was firm with that

They left

As I found how deeply they had intruded; things they had touched


It answered something I had wondered for a while. I won’t be able to let them close when I am doing foster care. It is bad enough that I cannot trust them. I cannot let them talk to my friends because I never know when they will change and dig into my life, like it is theirs to know. They judge so externally

I cannot inflict that on the potential of such fragile relationships


And I took my frustration out on the garden

Tearing away weeds gently

Adding fertiliser and mulch

Talking with Bella all the while

Gardening is so often “our” time

It feels so good to make things grow again


I feel alive too

As I should


Waiting: A Fragile Vastness

It frightens me how low I can let myself burn with barely a second thought

There are places you can still go

If you take out too much

There will never be enough of you for that


It’s the end of seven days straight of work. I thought I had my strength back, but lying on the floor of the spare room with my hands shaking on Tuesday I wonder if I can I can ever have as much as I want to. To me that can only mean greed. But I want to keep going because I can never do enough. Need to walk as far as I can from this week though there were enough small blessings to keep me afloat


It’s a wonder what a Moon Calendar

A crooked smile

An untuned piano and the friends to help you move it can do

Still this unsettled wanting and uncertainty are my enemy

Yesterday I woke with strange feelings I couldn’t settle from dreams I don’t remember

Monday I realised how deeply ingrained the emotions of memories become

It takes so, so little to take us back there. It is a strange feeling. I do not have the shadows of A-Rex. I remember so clearly when those first thoughts came

The filth to cover, and the fighting I heard through the walls most nights

I used to watch shadows form on the pine boards above my bed and wish I could disappear into them

It always seemed so dark and wild in those knots and whorls

This fight was not the same fight I remember

But the bitter taste it left behind was equal

We continue in this eternal circle

Twisting patterns

I wonder if we get more skillful in the end

Or just develop more craft to hide our flaws?

Our knowledge certainly spreads, a fragile web

How Relics Never Come To Be

I spoke with my parents today. Mostly lots of small chat

Our weeks; work; our gardens and the weather

A few weeks ago when my parents were cleaning out their I asked them if they could keep the dolls house I had quite carefully stored away from my childhood. Garabaldi the rocking horse too!

The dolls house is gone. I remember the foil picture frame and the picture of two mice in one of the rooms, the red gloss roof. I’d hoped to keep it away for myself. I remember all the hours of imagining and rearranging I spent with it. My father made it just for me

I know with how he is now there will not be another

I remember the gloss on the red roof


I wanted to pass it on

It was important- but by the architecture of my parent’s thoughts there was no cost. They did not think of intrinsic value

It’s such a small thing

But as I leave behind the memories of my childhood Room it was one of those few corners of good and peace. I built things there….

More memories this week of fights and fear

This was not all there was, but the anxiety stayed trapped inside me

It is only now I can begin to let people close, now the feelings have changed

But they still were- and so was my red-roof house of dreams

I never wanted fear and disappointment there and though I played through it, I found ways to build other thoughts

It was like the thunder I watched in the mountains where beauty could be made in it’s strange light

Today I went to my doctor to have a medical check completed in working towards being a foster parent. I’ve wanted that too since those dollhouse days


I remember the Institution episode of Call The Midwife- the broken ones. But perhaps we all see things differently for I rarely see people past repair

To me the cracks are rarely fatal

And like my dollhouse gone

The pieces I did manage to keep and save

These pieces are a part of each of us

Every one worth admiration
