Charmed Lives: Worlds Collide

Last Friday I went out dancing

Two friends and a few more, more at whim than planned

The plan was to meet one

But slowly the web spread

It never ceases to amaze me the connections in this town

Some people we may cross only once; twice



It’s interesting to see how fragile or solid

The sides of people or ourselves unknown

I was reminded of a children’s fantasy when I saw the look on his face

The worlds a small boy within a book wandered before he found himself


And his lives to be the link between them all

The half-worlds he thought were dreams

Magic and half-truths

The smoke; the click of locks;

Skirts and casual conversations gone deeper;


Perhaps the pieces we all had were different

I know he feels some guilt

Today was a day of wandering

I used my walking route

One of the shop owners I often stop to talk to has closed their business